Our OSCE mock exams prepares you by encountering a series of interactive and non-interactive “stations” designed to simulate common and critical practical scenarios in pharmacy practice. These scenarios often involve interactions with standardized patients, caregivers, parents, or healthcare professionals.
Best of all: you will receive expert feedback on your performance from our well-experienced instructors and registered pharmacists, to best prepare you to ace your exam.
Each station presents challenges such as:
Gathering and interpreting information crucial for identifying and solving patient drug-therapy problems.
Addressing practice-related issues connected to patient care.
Effectively communicating with patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals.
Collaborating with other healthcare providers and caregivers to devise solutions.
Our mock exam prepares you tod emonstrate your clinical, non-clinical, and communication skills in a representative OSCE setting, ensuring readiness to navigate the challenges of the OSCE exam with confidence and proficiency.
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